write the answer of 11 divided by -4 as a mixed number

The answer to 11 divided by -4 as a mixed number is -2 ¾.

what is the quotient of -91 divided by -13 divided by 7?

To find the quotient of -91 divided by -13 divided by 7, we need to divide -91 by -13 first, and then divide the result by 7.

-91 divided by -13 equals 7.

So, 7 divided by 7 equals 1.

Therefore, the quotient of -91 divided by -13 divided by 7 is 1.

what is the quotient of 72 divided by 4 divided by -6

To find the quotient of 72 divided by 4 divided by -6, we need to divide 72 by 4 first, and then divide the result by -6.

72 divided by 4 equals 18.

So, 18 divided by -6 equals -3.

Therefore, the quotient of 72 divided by 4 divided by -6 is -3.

To express 11 divided by -4 as a mixed number, follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide 11 by -4.
11 ÷ -4 = -2 remainder 3

Step 2: Write the quotient as the whole number and the remainder as the fractional part.
-2 is the whole number, and the remainder 3 is the numerator with the divisor -4 as the denominator.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction if possible.
In this case, the fraction -3/-4 can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by -1 since they have a common factor of -1.
-3 ÷ -1 = 3
-4 ÷ -1 = 4

So, the final mixed number form of 11 divided by -4 is:
-2 (3/4)

To write the answer of 11 divided by -4 as a mixed number, we need to perform the division and express the remainder as a fraction.

Step 1: Perform the division
When dividing 11 by -4, we get -2 as the quotient. However, we still need to determine the remainder.

Step 2: Calculate the remainder
To find the remainder, we multiply the quotient (-2) by the denominator (-4) and subtract the result from the numerator (11).
Remainder = 11 - (-2 * -4) = 11 - 8 = 3

Step 3: Express the remainder as a fraction
The remainder, 3, is expressed as a fraction with the same denominator (-4) as follows:
Remainder as a fraction = 3 / -4

Step 4: Combine the quotient and remainder
The mixed number is formed by combining the quotient and the remainder as follows:
Mixed number = Quotient + (Remainder as a fraction)
= -2 + (3 / -4)

Therefore, the answer to 11 divided by -4 as a mixed number is -2 and 3/4.