What is -4 5/11 -2 4/11

To subtract -4 5/11 from -2 4/11, we need to borrow from the whole number portion of the second number in order to perform the subtraction.

First, we subtract the whole number portions: -2 - (-4) = -2 + 4 = 2.

Next, we subtract the fractional portions: 4/11 - 5/11 = -1/11.

Combining the results, we get 2 - 1/11 = 1 10/11.

Therefore, -4 5/11 - (-2 4/11) = 1 10/11.

To subtract mixed fractions, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed fractions to improper fractions.
-4 5/11 becomes -4 x 11 + 5 = -49/11
-2 4/11 becomes -2 x 11 + 4 = -26/11

Step 2: Subtract the fractions.
-49/11 - (-26/11) = -49/11 + 26/11 = (-49 + 26) / 11 = -23/11

Step 3: Simplify the fraction if possible.
The fraction -23/11 cannot be simplified further, so the final answer is -23/11.