Subtract fractions and decimals QuickChek what is -189.9,87-30.87.

To subtract -189.9 from 87 and then subtract 30.87 from the result, you would perform the following calculations:

First, subtract -189.9 from 87:

87 - (-189.9) = 87 + 189.9 = 276.9

Next, subtract 30.87 from the result:

276.9 - 30.87 = 246.03

So, the result of subtracting -189.9 from 87 and then subtracting 30.87 is 246.03.

To subtract the decimal numbers -189.987 and 30.87 step-by-step, follow these instructions:

Step 1: Align the decimal points

Step 2: Subtract the numbers without considering the decimal point
- 30.870

Step 3: Line up the decimal point in the answer
- 30.870

Step 4: Check the signs
The problem contains a negative number (-189.987), which means the answer will also be negative.

Therefore, the difference between -189.987 and 30.87 is -159.117.