Subtract rational numbers QuickChek use the additive inverse to find -24 4/5 -6 7/10

To subtract rational numbers, we need to convert them into a common denominator.

The common denominator for 5 and 10 is 10.

Converting -24 4/5 to an improper fraction:
-24 4/5 = -24 × 5/5 + 4/5 = -120/5 + 4/5 = -116/5

Converting -6 7/10 to an improper fraction:
-6 7/10 = -6 × 10/10 + 7/10 = -60/10 + 7/10 = -53/10

Now we can subtract:
-116/5 - 53/10 = (-116 * 2)/(5 * 2) - 53/10 = -232/10 - 53/10 = (-232 - 53)/10 = -285/10

So, -24 4/5 - 6 7/10 = -285/10

To subtract rational numbers, you can use the process of finding the additive inverse. Here are the steps to subtract -24 4/5 from -6 7/10 using the additive inverse method:

Step 1: Find the additive inverse of the number you want to subtract, -24 4/5. To find the additive inverse, simply change the sign of the number. In this case, the additive inverse of -24 4/5 is 24 4/5.

Step 2: Now, rewrite the subtraction problem as addition by changing the sign of the number you want to subtract. The subtraction problem -24 4/5 - (-6 7/10) becomes 24 4/5 + 6 7/10.

Step 3: To add mixed numbers, start by finding a common denominator. The common denominator of 5 and 10 is 10.

Step 4: Convert both mixed numbers to improper fractions. -24 4/5 becomes -244/5, and 6 7/10 becomes 67/10.

Step 5: Add the two fractions. -244/5 + 67/10 = -244/5 + 67/10 = (-244 * 2)/(5 * 2) + 67/10 = -488/10 + 67/10 = (-488 + 67)/10 = -421/10.

Step 6: Convert the improper fraction back to a mixed number. -421/10 can be simplified to -42 1/10.

Therefore, -24 4/5 - (-6 7/10) = -42 1/10.