Write 5 hard tongue twisters using the word high

1) How high, high, higher can a high flyer fly, if a high flyer could fly high?

2) He hopes to see a sight so high, that his eyes are stretched as if they were a spyglass looking in the sky.
3) A hiker hikes high heights, hearing harrowing winds hit his head as he heads higher.
4) High up on the hill, five high-flying hawks huddled, hunting for their humble dinner down below.
5) High in the heavens, where hushed murmurs happen, a humble hummingbird hovers, humbly hiding from humans.

1. How high can a high-flying, sky-dyeing, tie-dyeing kite fly?

2. Six slick snails slide high, sailing across the sky.
3. Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers while parked high on a hill.
4. Sally sells seashells high on the hilly shore, shouting to share her shell store.
5. A high-wired, tired tightrope walker tripped and ripped his striped tights, high up in the sky.