Find a point E on CD such that the ratio of CE to CD is 1/4

A -7
B -5
C -3
D -1

In this case, we know that the ratio of CE to CD is given as 1/4.

Let's assume that CD has a length of 4 units.

Since the ratio of CE to CD is 1/4, the length of CE can be calculated as follows:
CE = CD * (1/4)
CE = 4 * (1/4)
CE = 1

Therefore, the length of CE is 1 unit.

Using this information, we can identify point E on CD by counting 1 unit from point C towards point D.

So the answer is point E is 1 unit from point C on the line CD, which is option D, -1.

To find a point E on CD such that the ratio of CE to CD is 1/4, we can use the following steps:

1. Determine the length of CD.
2. Multiply the length of CD by 1/4 to find the length of CE.
3. Measure the distance from point C towards point D, starting from C.
4. Place point E at the measured distance.

Let's find the length of CD first:

CD = D - C

Since the options provided are not specific distances, we cannot determine the exact length of CD without additional information.