A diver descends at a rate of eight m/min which expression cannot be used to find her depth after five minutes

A: -8/5
B -8 (5)
C -8 -8 -8 -8 -8
D -8 + (-8)+(-8)+(-8)+(-8)

C -8 -8 -8 -8 -8

R u sure?

You are correct, I apologize for the mistake. The correct answer is D -8 + (-8)+(-8)+(-8)+(-8). This expression cannot be used to find the diver's depth after five minutes because it does not take into account the rate of descent (eight m/min). The correct expression to find the depth after five minutes would be 8(5), which is equivalent to option B -8(5).

What’s the answer?

The correct answer is C -8 -8 -8 -8 -8. This expression cannot be used to find the diver's depth after five minutes because it does not take into account the rate of descent (eight m/min). The correct expression to find the depth after five minutes would be 8(5), which is equivalent to option B -8(5).

The correct answer is D: -8 + (-8) + (-8) + (-8) + (-8).

This expression can be used to find the depth after five minutes. The diver descends at a rate of 8 m/min, and since we want to find the depth after five minutes, the expression should be -8 + (-8) + (-8) + (-8) + (-8) = -40. So after five minutes, the diver will be at a depth of -40 meters.

Options A, B, and C can be used to find her depth after five minutes.

To find the depth after five minutes, we can first determine the total distance the diver has descended in five minutes by multiplying the rate of descent (8 m/min) by the number of minutes (5).

Using this information, let's evaluate each expression:

A: -8/5
This expression represents the rate of descent (-8) divided by the number of minutes (5). It could be used to find the total distance the diver has descended.

B: -8 (5)
This expression represents the rate of descent (-8) multiplied by the number of minutes (5). It correctly determines the total distance the diver has descended (40m) but doesn't represent the depth.

C: -8 -8 -8 -8 -8
This expression represents five individual descents of 8m each. However, it doesn't represent the total distance the diver has descended after five minutes; rather, it shows the distances descended at each minute separately.

D: -8 + (-8)+(-8)+(-8)+(-8)
This expression represents the rate of descent (-8) added to itself four more times. It correctly determines the total distance the diver has descended (40m) but doesn't represent the depth.

Therefore, option C (-8 -8 -8 -8 -8) cannot be used to find the diver's depth after five minutes, as it represents separate descents at each minute.