Indicate which methods, activities, sources and educational media will be used. N.B Should support the objectives of the lesson when teaching about "at school and reading a story about school" focusing on listening and speaking. Teachers

is (including classroom management aspects) Learner’s activities (including the content that supports the lessons objectives) Teachers activities.

Methods and Activities:

1. Pair work: Students will be paired up and given a dialogue or scenario related to reading a story about school. They will take turns speaking and listening to each other, practicing their speaking and listening skills.
2. Group discussion: Students will be divided into small groups and given a set of questions related to reading a story about school. They will discuss the questions together, sharing their ideas and opinions.
3. Role play: Students will be assigned roles and act out a scene from a story about school. This will allow them to practice their speaking skills and engage in a creative and interactive activity.
4. Audiovisual materials: The teacher can use videos or audio recordings related to reading a story about school. This will provide students with an opportunity to listen to authentic spoken language and improve their listening skills.

Sources and Educational Media:
1. Textbooks or reading materials: The teacher can use a textbook or reading materials specifically designed for teaching about school and reading stories. These materials will provide the content necessary to support the lesson objectives.
2. Online resources: The teacher can utilize online resources such as interactive websites, online stories, or educational videos related to school and reading. These resources can enhance the lesson and provide additional practice opportunities for the students.

Teachers' Activities:
1. Introduction: The teacher will introduce the topic of "at school and reading a story about school" to the students, explaining the objectives of the lesson.
2. Pre-teaching vocabulary: The teacher will pre-teach any necessary vocabulary related to the topic, ensuring that students have a clear understanding of key words and expressions.
3. Pairing or grouping students: The teacher will pair or group students for various activities, considering factors such as language proficiency and classroom dynamics.
4. Guided practice: The teacher will guide students through the different activities, providing instructions and support as needed.
5. Monitoring and feedback: The teacher will monitor students' progress during activities, providing feedback and guidance to help them improve their speaking and listening skills.
6. Summarizing and wrapping up: The teacher will summarize the main points covered in the lesson and provide a brief review of what students have learned.


- TPR (Total Physical Response): The teacher can use gestures, actions, and movements to teach vocabulary related to school and reading a story.
- Storytelling: The teacher can tell a story about school and reading to engage students and enhance their listening skills.
- Group discussions: The teacher can facilitate group discussions where students can share their experiences and thoughts related to school and reading.
- Role-playing: The teacher can organize role-playing activities where students can act out various school-related scenarios, such as going to the library or participating in a reading circle.

- Picture description: Students can describe and discuss pictures related to school and reading, using their listening and speaking skills.
- Reading aloud: Students can take turns reading a story about school out loud to practice their listening and speaking skills.
- Vocabulary games: The teacher can organize vocabulary games, such as word association or memory games, to reinforce the vocabulary related to school and reading.
- Collaborative storytelling: Students can work together to create their own story about school, taking turns to contribute to the plot.

- Books and stories about school: The teacher can use age-appropriate books and stories that focus on the theme of school and reading.
- Audio recordings: The teacher can use audio recordings of stories or dialogues related to school and reading to provide students with listening practice.
- Visual aids: The teacher can use visual aids, such as pictures or posters, to support the lesson and engage students visually.

Educational media:
- Digital media: The teacher can incorporate educational videos, interactive websites, or online quizzes related to school and reading to make the lesson more engaging and interactive.
- Online resources: The teacher can utilize online resources, such as educational websites or apps, to provide students with additional reading and listening materials.

Classroom management aspects:
- Classroom rules: The teacher can establish clear and consistent rules for behavior and participation during the lesson.
- Grouping strategies: The teacher can use various grouping strategies, such as pair work or small group discussions, to promote collaboration and maximize student engagement.
- Time management: The teacher can carefully plan and allocate time for each activity to ensure that the lesson progresses smoothly.
- Feedback and assessment: The teacher can provide feedback and assess students' listening and speaking skills through observation, class discussions, or short quizzes.