The source of gravience are generally

massive objects.

What is the source of gravience generally in business studies

In business studies, the source of "gravience" is not a commonly recognized term or concept. Gravience seems to be a combination of the words "gravity" and "influence," but it does not have a specific meaning or application within the field of business studies. Therefore, it would be difficult to determine a specific source for this term in the context of business studies.

The source of gravitation, or gravity, is generally attributed to mass. Mass is a fundamental property of matter, and any object with mass will exert a gravitational force on other objects. This force is attractive and acts between any two objects with mass, regardless of their size or distance from each other.

According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity is not considered a force in the traditional sense but rather the curvature of spacetime. Objects with mass distort the fabric of spacetime around them, causing other objects to move along curved paths. This effect is what we perceive as the force of gravity.