This bargaining does not mean that either side should be forced into signing an agreement where they do not agree to the terms. Tjis bargaining is primarily about the process and the conduct of negotiation.

In essence, bargaining is a negotiation process where both parties try to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. It involves a series of interactions, proposals, counteroffers, and concessions to come to a satisfactory outcome.

However, it is important to note that bargaining does not imply that either side should be coerced or compelled into accepting terms that they are not comfortable with. The essence of bargaining lies in finding common ground and reaching a compromise that is acceptable to both parties.

The primary focus of bargaining is on establishing a fair and transparent negotiation process. It entails conducting negotiations in good faith, maintaining open lines of communication, and demonstrating respect for the interests and concerns of the other party.

Bargaining also involves employing negotiation tactics, such as leveraging one's strengths, presenting persuasive arguments, and exploring potential trade-offs. The aim is to create an environment conducive to constructive dialogue and collaboration, leading to a successful agreement.

Ultimately, successful bargaining requires both parties to engage in a give-and-take approach, where concessions and compromises are made on both sides. It is through this process that a negotiated agreement can be achieved, ensuring that the needs and interests of all parties involved are taken into consideration.

In summary, bargaining is primarily concerned with the negotiation process and the conduct of parties involved. It recognizes that reaching an agreement should be a voluntary and consensual outcome, where terms are agreed upon by both sides.

Bargaining is a negotiation process where two or more parties engage in discussions to reach an agreement. It is important to note that bargaining does not imply that either side should be coerced or compelled to sign an agreement against their will or without agreeing to the terms. Instead, it is primarily focused on the process and conduct of negotiation. This includes factors such as how the negotiations are conducted, the strategies employed by each party, and the overall fairness and transparency of the process. The goal of bargaining is to facilitate a mutually acceptable agreement that satisfies the interests and objectives of all parties involved.