Paraphrase the following sentences.

It is imperative to address AI in education not to realize key opportunities,prevent and mitigate emergent risks and tackle unintended consequences. Use of AI system must include algorithmic discrimination protections, protect data privacy, provide notice and explanation, and provide a recourse to human when problems arise.

It is crucial to focus on AI in education in order to acknowledge important possibilities, prevent and minimize emerging risks, and handle unintended outcomes properly. Incorporating protective measures against algorithmic discrimination, safeguarding data privacy, offering notifications and explanations, and ensuring human intervention is available as a recourse during problematic situations should be included in the use of AI systems.

It is crucial to focus on integrating AI into education to recognize important possibilities, avert and reduce potential risks, and handle unintended effects. When utilizing an AI system, it is necessary to incorporate measures against algorithmic discrimination, safeguard data privacy, give notification and explanations, and offer a means for humans to seek assistance in case of problems.