The diagonal of a square equals 2–√ times the side length. Using 1.4 for the square root of 2, what is the approximate length in feet from one corner to an opposite corner of a square park that is 700 feet on a side?(1 point)

The diagonal of a square is equal to the side length times √2. Given that the square root of 2 is approximately 1.4, we can calculate the approximate length of the diagonal.

Diagonal = Side length x √2
Diagonal = 700 feet x 1.4
Diagonal = 980 feet

Therefore, the approximate length from one corner to an opposite corner of the square park is 980 feet.

Using a number line, what whole number and rational number to the nearest half is 40−−√ between?

To find the length from one corner to an opposite corner of a square, we need to calculate the length of the diagonal.

Given that the diagonal of a square is equal to 2–√ times the side length, we can use the given value of 1.4 for the square root of 2.

The side length of the square park is 700 feet.

Now, let's calculate the diagonal length.

Diagonal length = (2–√) * side length

Using the value of 1.4 for √2:

Diagonal length = (2–1.4) * 700

Diagonal length = (0.6) * 700

Diagonal length ≈ 420 feet

Therefore, the approximate length from one corner to an opposite corner of the square park is 420 feet.

To find the length of the diagonal of a square, you can use the formula: diagonal = side length × √2.

Given that the side length of the square park is 700 feet, we can substitute this value into the formula:

diagonal = 700 feet × √2

Now, you mentioned using 1.4 as the approximate value for the square root of 2. Let's substitute that into the equation:

diagonal ≈ 700 feet × 1.4

Simplifying, we find:

diagonal ≈ 980 feet

Therefore, the approximate length from one corner to an opposite corner of the square park is 980 feet.