The wholesale price for a shirt is $5.50 a certain department store marks up the wholesale price by 90% find the price of the shirt in the department store round your answer to the nearest cent

To find the final price of the shirt in the department store, we need to add the 90% markup to the wholesale price.

Markup = 90% of $5.50 = 0.90 * $5.50 = $4.95

Final price = Wholesale price + Markup
Final price = $5.50 + $4.95 = $10.45

Rounding this to the nearest cent, the price of the shirt in the department store is $10.45.

To find the price of the shirt in the department store after the markup, we can multiply the wholesale price by 1 plus the markup percentage.

Markup = Wholesale Price × Markup Percentage
Markup = $5.50 × 90% = $4.95

Price in the department store = Wholesale Price + Markup
Price in the department store = $5.50 + $4.95 = $10.45

Rounding our answer to the nearest cent, the price of the shirt in the department store is $10.45.