Find a rational number with one decimal place that is between the square root of 17 and the square root of 18

The square root of 17 is approximately 4.123 and the square root of 18 is approximately 4.242. To find a rational number with one decimal place between these two values, we can take the average.

(4.123 + 4.242) / 2 = 4.1825.

Therefore, the rational number with one decimal place that is between the square root of 17 and the square root of 18 is 4.2.

To find a rational number with one decimal place that is between the square root of 17 and the square root of 18, we can approximate the square roots to one decimal place and then find a rational number between those two approximations.

The square root of 17 is approximately 4.1. The square root of 18 is approximately 4.2.

To find a rational number between 4.1 and 4.2, we can use their average: (4.1 + 4.2) / 2 = 8.3 / 2 = 4.15.

Therefore, the rational number with one decimal place that is between the square root of 17 and the square root of 18 is 4.15.