What is 0.27 repeated converted to a rational number in the simplest form

To convert 0.27 repeated to a rational number in simplest form, we can represent it as an infinite geometric series. Let x = 0.27 repeated.

x = 0.272727...
100x = 27.272727...

Now, subtract the two equations:

(100x - x) = (27.272727...) - (0.272727...)

99x = 27

To simplify, divide both sides by 99:

x = 27/99

The rational number in simplest form is 27/99, which can be further reduced by dividing both numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor:

x = 3/11

Therefore, 0.27 repeated as a rational number in simplest form is 3/11.

To convert 0.27 with the repeating decimal 27 to a rational number in its simplest form, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Let x be the repeating decimal number 0.27.
x = 0.272727...

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the equation by 100 (for a two-digit repeating decimal) to remove the repeating part from the decimal.
100x = 27.272727...

Step 3: Subtract the original equation from the result in Step 2 to eliminate the repeating part.
100x - x = 27.272727... - 0.272727...
99x = 27

Step 4: Solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 99.
x = 27/99

Step 5: Simplify the fraction by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator, which is 9.
x = 3/11

Hence, 0.27 repeating as a rational number in its simplest form is 3/11.