An oven is being used to bake cookies in this house. What energy transformations occur when baking cookies in this house?

(1 point)

light energy → electrical energy → heat energy
light energy → electrical energy → heat energy

heat energy → light energy → chemical energy
heat energy → light energy → chemical energy

heat energy → electrical energy → chemical energy
heat energy → electrical energy → chemical energy

heat energy → chemical energy → light energy

Apologies for the confusion. In the case where the power comes from solar panels, the energy transformations would be:

light energy (from the sun) → electrical energy (generated by the solar panels) → heat energy.

The correct answer is: heat energy → chemical energy → light energy

but the power comes from solar panels

The correct energy transformations that occur when baking cookies in this house are:

heat energy → chemical energy → light energy

The correct answer is:

heat energy → chemical energy → light energy

When baking cookies in an oven, the energy transformations occur in the following order:

1. Heat energy: The oven converts electrical energy into heat energy, which is required to heat up the oven to the desired baking temperature.

2. Chemical energy: The cookie dough contains chemical potential energy, which is stored in the molecular bonds of its ingredients, such as flour, sugar, and fats. As the cookies bake, the heat energy from the oven is transferred to the dough, causing chemical reactions to occur. These reactions break down complex molecules and form new ones, resulting in the transformation of chemical energy.

3. Light energy: As the cookies heat up and the chemical reactions progress, they undergo a process called caramelization, where the sugars in the dough break down and release light energy in the form of visible light. This light energy is what gives the cookies their golden-brown color.

Therefore, the correct energy transformations when baking cookies are heat energy transforming into chemical energy, and then chemical energy transforming into light energy.