which statement is true about solving multi-digit addition problems?

The true statement about solving multi-digit addition problems is that the sum of two numbers will be obtained by adding the digits in the same place value column together, while carrying over any tens to the next column if necessary.

Y’all this is the right answer. The problem must be lined up vertically by place value before adding

There are several statements that can be considered true about solving multi-digit addition problems. These statements include:

1. We start from the rightmost column and work our way to the left, adding each digit one column at a time.
2. We carry over to the next column when the sum of two digits in the current column is greater than 9.
3. The sum of the digits in each column is written down in the corresponding place value of the answer.
4. It is important to align the digits correctly in each column to avoid errors.
5. Adding zeros as place holders for missing digits can be helpful when solving multi-digit addition problems.
6. When adding multiple numbers, it is recommended to group the numbers in a way that makes it easier to perform the addition, such as adding the numbers with the same place values first.

These statements are general guidelines that can help in solving multi-digit addition problems. The specific approach may vary depending on the complexity of the numbers being added.

To determine which statement is true about solving multi-digit addition problems, we can consider some key points:

1. Start from the right: When adding multi-digit numbers, it is common to start from the rightmost digit and work towards the left. This allows for easier addition since you can focus on one digit at a time.

2. Carry over: If the sum of two digits in the same column exceeds 9, you must carry over the extra value to the next column on the left. For example, when adding 8 and 7, the sum is 15, but you can only write down the rightmost digit, which is 5, and carry over the 1 to the next column.

3. Alignment: Align the digits of the numbers being added so that each place value lines up. This ensures that you are adding the corresponding digits.

With these points in mind, let's check the statements to find the true one:

a) You should start adding from the leftmost digit: This is false since we usually start adding from the rightmost digit.

b) There is no need to carry over: This is false since carrying over is necessary when the sum of two digits in the same column exceed 9.

c) Each digit should be aligned with its corresponding place value: This is true since aligning the digits according to their place value is essential to add them correctly.

Therefore, the correct statement would be c) Each digit should be aligned with its corresponding place value.