Find a rational number between 2 and 214 using the method of adding the numbers together and dividing by 2. Write the answer as a mixed number.(1 point)

Let's add 2 and 214 together and divide by 2:

(2 + 214) / 2 = 216 / 2 = 108

Therefore, a rational number between 2 and 214 using the method of adding the numbers together and dividing by 2 is 108.

As a mixed number, the answer is 108/1, or simply 108.


To find a rational number between 2 and 214 using the method of adding the numbers together and dividing by 2, we follow these steps:

Step 1: Add the two numbers together: 2 + 214 = 216.

Step 2: Divide the sum by 2: 216 / 2 = 108.

Step 3: Write the resulting number 108 as a mixed number. To do this, we divide 108 by the whole number part (which is 1) and write the remainder as the numerator of the fraction. The whole number becomes the whole number part, and the denominator is the same as the original divisor (which is 2).

Thus, a rational number between 2 and 214 using this method is 1 54/2.

To find a rational number between 2 and 214 using the method of adding the numbers together and dividing by 2, we need to:

Step 1: Add the two numbers together: 2 + 214 = 216.
Step 2: Divide the sum by 2: 216 ÷ 2 = 108.

So, the rational number between 2 and 214 obtained by adding the numbers together and dividing by 2 is 108.

Now, let's write this as a mixed number. A mixed number consists of a whole number and a fraction.

To convert 108 into a mixed number, we need to divide it by the denominator of the fraction, which is 1.

Step 1: Divide 108 by 1: 108 ÷ 1 = 108.

Since the denominator is 1, the mixed number is simply the whole number followed by the fractional part, which is 0/1.

Therefore, the rational number 108 can be written as the mixed number 108 0/1.