What is the difference between -8 and 16 on a number line

-8 and 16 are both numbers on a number line. The difference between them can be determined by finding the distance or the number of units between them on the number line.

Starting at -8 and moving towards positive numbers, we need to count 16 units to reach 16. So, the difference between -8 and 16 on a number line is 16 + 8 = 24 units.

What is the distance between 18.25 and −7.4 on the number line?

To find the distance between two points on a number line, we subtract the smaller number from the larger number and take the absolute value of the result.

So, the distance between 18.25 and -7.4 on the number line is:
|18.25 - (-7.4)| = |18.25 + 7.4| = |25.65| = 25.65.

Therefore, the distance between 18.25 and -7.4 on the number line is 25.65 units.

Determine the distance between 6.5 and −7.2 on a number line.

To find the distance between two points on a number line, we subtract the smaller number from the larger number and take the absolute value of the result.

So, the distance between 6.5 and -7.2 on the number line is:
|6.5 - (-7.2)| = |6.5 + 7.2| = |13.7| = 13.7.

Therefore, the distance between 6.5 and -7.2 on the number line is 13.7 units.

To understand the difference between -8 and 16 on a number line, we need to consider their positions and the direction they are from the zero point.

1. Start with a number line: Imagine a horizontal line where the number zero (0) is in the center, with negative numbers to the left and positive numbers to the right.

2. Locate -8 on the number line: Move to the left of zero on the number line. Count 8 units to the left, and you will find -8.

3. Locate 16 on the number line: Move to the right of zero on the number line. Count 16 units to the right, and you will find 16.

4. Measure the distance between them: To determine the difference between -8 and 16, measure the distance between them on the number line. Add up the units you would need to move in either direction to go from -8 to 16, or vice versa.

- From -8 to 16: Count 8 units to the right from -8 to reach zero, then count an additional 16 units to the right to reach 16. This means the difference between -8 and 16 is 8 + 16 = 24 units.

- From 16 to -8: Count 16 units to the left from 16 to reach zero, then count an additional 8 units to the left to reach -8. This also gives us a difference of 24 units.

Therefore, the difference between -8 and 16 on a number line is 24 units in either direction.

To find the difference between -8 and 16 on a number line, you need to subtract the smaller number from the larger number. In this case, you want to find the difference between 16 and -8.

Step 1: Plot the numbers on a number line.
Start by drawing a horizontal line and labeling it with the numbers from -10 to 20. Mark the point -8 and the point 16 on this number line.

Step 2: Find the distance between the two points.
To find the difference, count the number of units between the two points on the number line. In this case, you count from -8 to 16. Moving to the right, you pass through -7, -6, -5, -4, and so on until you reach 16. Counting in this way, you find that there are 24 units between -8 and 16 on the number line.

Therefore, the difference between -8 and 16 on a number line is 24.