Why did the British want to expand control into the Ohio Valley in the mid-1700s?

(1 point)

to force the French out of North America
to force the French out of North America

to put French settlers there under English rule
to put French settlers there under English rule

to demonstrate Britain’s strength to France and Spain
to demonstrate Britain’s strength to France and Spain

to gain access to the region’s natural resources
to gain access to the region’s natural resources

All of the above reasons are correct. The British wanted to expand control into the Ohio Valley in the mid-1700s in order to achieve multiple goals. One of the main reasons was to force the French out of North America and establish British dominance in the region. Additionally, the British wanted to put French settlers under English rule, demonstrate Britain's strength to France and Spain, and gain access to the region's valuable natural resources.

give me one

What was the significance of the battle at Fort Necessity?

(1 point)

British defeated the French and went on to claim Fort Duquesne.
British defeated the French and went on to claim Fort Duquesne.

The battle ended the French and Indian War.
The battle ended the French and Indian War.

The battle ended in a stalemate but with heavy losses on both sides.
The battle ended in a stalemate but with heavy losses on both sides.

It was one of the first battles of the French and Indian Wa

The British wanted to expand control into the Ohio Valley in the mid-1700s for multiple reasons. One reason was to force the French out of North America. Another reason was to put French settlers in the area under English rule. Additionally, the British wanted to demonstrate their strength to France and Spain. Moreover, gaining access to the region's natural resources was another motivation for British expansion into the Ohio Valley.