What is the expanded form of 23.75? (1 point)

The expanded form of 23.75 is 20 + 3 + 0.7 + 0.05.

What is the expanded form of 23.75?(1 point)

To find the expanded form of 23.75, we can break down the number into its place values.

The digit "2" is in the tens place, so it represents 20.
The digit "3" is in the ones place, so it represents 3.
The digit "7" is in the tenths place, so it represents 0.7.
The digit "5" is in the hundredths place, so it represents 0.05.

Putting it all together, the expanded form of 23.75 is 20 + 3 + 0.7 + 0.05.

To find the expanded form of a decimal number, we need to break it down into its whole number and decimal parts. Let's consider the number 23.75.

To determine the expanded form, we can write each digit in its respective place value. In this case, the number 23 has a value of twenty-three, and the decimal part is 0.75.

The expanded form of 23.75 can be expressed as:
- The digit '2' represents twenty (20) in the tens place.
- The digit '3' represents three (3) in the ones place.
- The digit '7' represents seven-tenths (0.7) in the tenths place.
- The digit '5' represents five-hundredths (0.05) in the hundredths place.

So, the expanded form of 23.75 is:
20 + 3 + 0.7 + 0.05, which can also be simplified to 20 + 3 + 0.75.