describe anglo saxon values and compare and contrat them to those attributed to modern heros

Anglo-Saxon values were the cultural beliefs and principles of the Anglo-Saxon people who lived in England between the 5th and 11th centuries. These values emphasized elements such as loyalty, bravery, honor, and the importance of kinship and community.

1. Loyalty: Anglo-Saxon values emphasized the importance of loyalty to one's lord or king, as well as to one's clan or family. Warriors were expected to be loyal to their leaders and fight bravely in battle.

2. Bravery: Courage and fearlessness in the face of danger were highly valued. Anglo-Saxon heroes were expected to display physical strength and bravery both on and off the battlefield.

3. Honor: Reputation and personal integrity were essential. The Anglo-Saxons valued their word and social standing, and a person's honor was determined by their actions and adherence to cultural codes.

4. Kinship and Community: Anglo-Saxons placed great importance on familial ties and the welfare of their community. Solidarity within the clan or tribe was essential, and individuals were responsible for contributing to the well-being of the group.

When comparing these values to those attributed to modern heroes, some similarities and differences can be observed:

1. Loyalty: Both Anglo-Saxon and modern heroes often embody loyalty, but the object of their loyalty may differ. While the Anglo-Saxon heroes were loyal to their leaders or clans, modern heroes might be loyal to ideologues, causes, or principles.

2. Bravery: Bravery remains a valued trait in modern heroes, although the context and definition may have evolved. Modern heroes may display courage in different domains, such as fighting injustice, advocating for social change, or defending the rights of others.

3. Honor: Honor is still relevant in modern heroism, but societal codes defining honor have changed. Modern heroes are expected to act with integrity and uphold ethical standards, often facing difficult moral choices.

4. Kinship and Community: The importance of kinship and community has shifted in modern times. While Anglo-Saxon heroes prioritized their immediate clans or tribes, modern heroes may emphasize global or societal issues, advocating for the betterment of humanity as a whole.

In conclusion, while some core values related to loyalty, bravery, honor, and community remain, the context and application of these values have evolved in modern heroism. The reflection of societal changes and the emergence of new heroes has led to the redefinition of heroism in contemporary times.