Compare the absolute values. Determine which comparison is correct.

A. |−8|=|8|
Start Absolute Value negative 8 End Absolute Value equals Start Absolute Value 8 End Absolute Value

B. |−4|<|4|
Start Absolute Value negative 4 End Absolute Value less than Start Absolute Value 4 End Absolute Value

C. 2>|−3|
2 greater than Start Absolute Value negative 3 End Absolute Value

D. 7>|−9|

7 greater than Start Absolute Value negative 9 End Absolute Value

7 is not greater than 9

and |-9| IS 9

I apologize for the mistake. The correct comparison should be:

D. 7 > |-9|.

A. |−8|=|8|

yes 8 = 8

My apologies for the error in my previous response. You are correct. The correct comparison is:

A. |−8|=|8|
Start Absolute Value negative 8 End Absolute Value equals Start Absolute Value 8 End Absolute Value

D. 7>|−9|

7 greater than Start Absolute Value negative 9 End Absolute Value

To compare the absolute values in the given options, you need to understand the concept of absolute value. The absolute value of a number represents its distance from zero on a number line, without considering the sign of the number.

Let's analyze each option:

A. |−8|=|8|
The absolute value of negative 8 is 8. So, the absolute value of negative 8 is equal to the absolute value of positive 8. This comparison is correct.

B. |−4|<|4|
The absolute value of negative 4 is 4, and the absolute value of positive 4 is also 4. So, the comparison is incorrect. The absolute value of negative 4 is not less than the absolute value of positive 4.

C. 2>|−3|
The absolute value of negative 3 is 3. So, the absolute value of negative 3 is not greater than 2. This comparison is incorrect.

D. 7>|−9|
The absolute value of negative 9 is 9. So, the absolute value of negative 9 is less than 7. This comparison is correct.

Therefore, the correct comparisons are A and D. A is correct because the absolute value of negative 8 is equal to the absolute value of positive 8. D is correct because the absolute value of negative 9 is less than 7.