whats 12 8/15 − 7 + 71/5 + 15?

use :21

20 15/15


41 15/15

To solve the expression, let's first convert all the mixed numbers to improper fractions:

12 8/15 = (12*15 + 8)/15 = 184/15
71/5 = 71/5

Now, we can substitute the values into the expression:

184/15 - 7 + 71/5 + 15

To simplify the expression, we need to find a common denominator for the fractions. The common denominator for 15 and 5 is 15. So, we'll convert the fractions:

184/15 - 7 + (71/5 * 3/3) + 15

= 184/15 - 7 + 213/15 + 15

Now, we can add and subtract the fractions:

184/15 + 213/15 = (184 + 213)/15 = 397/15

397/15 - 7 + 15

To further simplify the expression, we need to find a common denominator for 15 and 1:

397/15 - (7 * 15/15) + (15 * 15/15)
= 397/15 - 105/15 + 225/15
= (397 - 105 + 225)/15
= 517/15

Therefore, the simplified expression is:


If you wanted to use long division (21), 517 divided by 15 equals 34 with a remainder of 7:

517/15 = 34 remainder 7

What should you do if a place value is missing a number?(1 point)


Add a zero.
Add a zero.


Subtract without it.
Subtract without it.

Remove the last digit(s) in the number that has the additional place values.
Remove the last digit(s) in the number that has the additional place values.

The correct answer is to add a zero.

What is −189.987−30.87?

To subtract -189.987 from -30.87, we align the decimal points and subtract the numbers as usual:

- 30.87

Since there are decimals involved, it is best to line up the decimal points to make the subtraction easier.

- 30.870

Start by subtracting the numbers in the ones place:

7 - 0 = 7
8 - 7 = 1
9 - 8 = 1

- 30.870

Next, subtract the numbers in the tenths place:

- 30.870

Finally, subtract the numbers in the hundredths place:

- 30.870

So, -189.987 - 30.87 equals -221.857.

Which of the following types of maps shows correct shapes and directions but distorts distances or sizes? (1 point)


equal-area projection
equal-area projection

Mercator projection
Mercator projection

Mollweide projection
Mollweide projection

Robinson projection
Robinson projection

The correct answer is Mercator projection.

Which of the following explains why seasonal conditions vary in parts of the world?(1 point)


Earth is rotating on its axis.
Earth is rotating on its axis.

Earth's orbit keeps it in line with the sun.
Earth's orbit keeps it in line with the sun.

Earth's axis is tilted as it revolves around the sun.
Earth's axis is tilted as it revolves around the sun.

Earth takes 365 days to revolve around the sun.

The correct answer is Earth's axis is tilted as it revolves around the sun.

Which is the difference between a renewable resource and a nonrenewable resource?(2 points) Responses A renewable resource can be replaced in the near future, and a nonrenewable resource cannot be replaced for many lifetimes. A renewable resource can be replaced in the near future, and a nonrenewable resource cannot be replaced for many lifetimes. A renewable resource cannot be replaced for many lifetimes, and a nonrenewable resource can be replaced in the near future. A renewable resource cannot be replaced for many lifetimes, and a nonrenewable resource can be replaced in the near future. A renewable resource is something that is made by people, and a nonrenewable resource is something that can be found in nature. A renewable resource is something that is made by people, and a nonrenewable resource is something that can be found in nature. A renewable resource is something that can be found in nature, and a nonrenewable resource is something that is made by people.