Andrea is 6 years younger than Tony. In two years, Tony will be three times as old as Andrea. Let a be Tony’s current age. Which of these linear equations can be used to find Andrea’s and Tony’s current ages?(1 point)


a plus 2 equals 3 left parenthesis a plus 6 plus 2 right parenthesis

a equals 3 left parenthesis a plus 2 right parenthesis

a plus 2 equals 3 left parenthesis a minus 6 plus 2 right parenthesis



Andrea is 6 years younger than Tony. In two years, Tony will be three times as old as Andrea. Let a be Tony’s current age. Which of these linear equations can be used to find Andrea’s and Tony’s current ages?(1 point)


a plus 2 equals 3 left parenthesis a plus 6 plus 2 right parenthesis

a equals 3 left parenthesis a plus 2 right parenthesis

a plus 2 equals 3 left parenthesis a minus 6 plus 2 right parenthesis



you are a lie. i posted the same question twice and you gave me 2 different answers. give me the REAL answer and prove its real.

I apologize for the confusion. The correct equation to find Andrea's and Tony's current ages can be written as:

a - 6 = (a + 2)/3

This equation represents the fact that Andrea is 6 years younger than Tony and in two years, Tony will be three times as old as Andrea.
You can simplify the equation further if needed.

would 3 (a+2) =a - 6 + 2 a correct answer? give me the truth.

No, 3(a+2) = a - 6 + 2 is not a correct equation to find Andrea's and Tony's current ages. The equation should indicate the relationship between the ages accurately. The correct equation is a - 6 = (a + 2)/3.

how about a+2=3(a+6+2)

No, a+2=3(a+6+2) is not a correct equation to find Andrea's and Tony's current ages. In this equation, Andrea is represented as a+6+2, which adds 8 to Andrea's age, instead of subtracting 6 as stated in the problem. The correct equation to find their ages is a - 6 = (a + 2)/3.