The sum of your surroundings(1 point)


physical environment

social environment


all of the above

all of the above

_______________ is the combination of physical, mental, emotional and social well being(1 point)







_______________ is the combination of physical, mental, emotional and social well being(1 point)


A: Health

B: Wellness

C: Heredity

D: Fitness

B: Wellness

The sum of your surroundings refers to all the factors that make up your environment. This includes the physical environment, such as the buildings, landscapes, and natural elements around you. It also includes the social environment, which consists of the people and relationships that you interact with. Additionally, culture plays a significant role in shaping our surroundings, as it encompasses the customs, values, beliefs, and behaviors of a particular group of people. Therefore, the correct answer would be "all of the above."

The sum of your surroundings refers to all the factors and elements that affect and influence you in your daily life. It includes various aspects such as the physical environment, social environment, and culture.

The physical environment refers to the natural surroundings, including the geographical location, climate, and natural resources. It includes elements like landscapes, weather patterns, and ecosystems.

The social environment encompasses the people and relationships you interact with on a regular basis. This includes family, friends, colleagues, and the broader community. It includes aspects such as social norms, interpersonal dynamics, and support systems.

Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs, traditions, and behaviors of a particular group of people. It encompasses language, religion, arts, cuisine, and other aspects of human expression. Culture shapes the way individuals think, behave, and interact with one another.

Therefore, the sum of your surroundings includes all of the above - the physical environment, social environment, and culture. These factors interplay and contribute to shaping your experiences, perspectives, and identity.