What are three symbols used in the story "Three Wise Guys"?

In the story "Three Wise Guys" by Sandra Cisneros, three symbols that illustrate important themes and motifs are:

1. The basement apartment: The basement apartment symbolizes poverty, struggle, and confinement. It represents the characters' socioeconomic status and their marginalized existence. The basement becomes a literal and metaphorical place of refuge for the three friends, but also serves as a reminder of their limited opportunities and dreams.

2. The bees: Bees symbolize productivity, community, and hope. In the story, the friends raise bees in the basement apartment, which becomes a source of income and a symbol of their resilience. The bees also highlight the importance of collective effort and support, as they work together to maintain the hive and produce honey. The presence of bees throughout the story symbolizes the possibility of finding sweetness and success even amidst difficult circumstances.

3. The donut shop: The donut shop symbolizes longing, desire, and a sense of belonging. It represents a place the characters aspire to go to, as it signifies a world outside their limited surroundings. The donut shop becomes a metaphor for their dreams and the possibility of a better life. It inspires the characters to work hard and save money, hoping to one day afford a simple pleasure like a donut in a brighter future.

The story "Three Wise Guys" by Sandra Cisneros may not contain specific symbols that are universally recognized or commonly interpreted in the same way. However, I can provide you with three possible symbols that could be found in the story:

1. The train: The train could symbolize movement or escape from the characters' current situations. It represents the possibility of leaving their troubled lives behind and seeking a new beginning.

2. The necklace: The necklace that Porfirio's mother gives him before he boards the train symbolizes their bond and serves as a reminder of his mother's love and guidance. It represents his connection to his past and offers him a sense of security.

3. The cigarette lighter: The cigarette lighter symbolizes Porfirio's temptation and struggle with unhealthy habits. It also represents his longing for a life of luxury and material possessions. The lighter can be seen as a symbol of his desires and the choices he makes to chase those desires.

Remember, these symbols are subjective, and their interpretations may vary. It is important to explore different perspectives and analyze the context of the story to understand the symbols fully.