Use the sentence to answer the qiestion. Building new stadiums jas a limited impact on the economics of a city. People from outside a city where a new stadium is built rarely spend their money on all of it. Additionally a new stadium does not usually provide significant employment to the community it is built in. Which inference is supported by the evidence from the sentences? Is it city funds should not be used to build a new stadium

The inference supported by the evidence from the sentences is that city funds should not be used to build a new stadium.

Is it tourists should not have a pay to visit an old stadium

The given evidence does not support the inference that tourists should not have to pay to visit an old stadium. The evidence specifically focuses on the limited impact of building new stadiums on the economics of a city, and the lack of significant employment provided by new stadiums to the community. It does not provide any information about whether tourists should or should not have to pay to visit old stadiums.

Is it correct or not

It is not correct to infer from the given evidence that tourists should not have to pay to visit an old stadium. The evidence does not mention anything about old stadiums or whether tourists should be charged for visiting them.

Then is it the first one i gave you

Yes, that is correct. The inference supported by the evidence from the sentences is that city funds should not be used to build a new stadium.

Wolves are quite similar in appearence to domestic german shephards. They have common physical traits that include shaggy fur, erect ears, and a heavy, curled tail. Which infrence is supported by the evidence from the sentences? Is it wolves share physical traits with dogs other than doestic german shephards

The inference supported by the evidence from the sentences is that wolves share physical traits with domestic German Shepherds, rather than with other dogs.

Is it wolfes will confuse domestic german shephards for other wolves