Which factors determine the potential energy of an object?

A. Mass and position
B. Gravity and position
C. Weight and velocity
D. Mass and velocity

The correct answer is B. Gravity and position. The potential energy of an object is determined by its position in a gravitational field. The higher an object is positioned, the greater its potential energy due to gravity.

An object’s gravitational potential energy is dependent on the object’s mass, the strength of its gravitational field, and which of the following:

A. the height of the object
B. the shape of the object
C. the temperature of the object
D. the velocity of the object

The answer is A. the height of the object. The gravitational potential energy of an object depends on its mass, the strength of the gravitational field it is in, and its height above a reference point. The shape, temperature, and velocity of the object are not factors that directly affect its gravitational potential energy.

when would an object have the most potential energy?

An object would have the most potential energy when it is at its highest height or furthest distance from a reference point in a gravitational field. In other words, when the object is positioned at the peak of its trajectory or at the highest point in an elevated position.

Lucy picks up an object from the floor. How will the potential energy change if Lucy lifts the object above her head?

A.The object's potential energy will be zero.
B. The object's potential energy will increase.
C. The object's potential energy will stay the same.
D. The object's potential energy will decrease.

The correct answer is B. The object's potential energy will increase. When Lucy lifts the object above her head, she is increasing its height above the ground. As a result, the object's potential energy in the gravitational field will increase.

Evidence must be what and what for it to be considered effective in supporting a claim.

Evidence must be relevant and reliable in order to be considered effective in supporting a claim.

Evidence is relevant if it:

A. is directly related to the claim.
B. is taken entirely from an online source.
C. provides enough evidence to support the claim.
D. provides a personal experience related to the claim.

The correct answer is A. Evidence is relevant if it is directly related to the claim. Relevance means that the evidence directly supports or connects to the claim being made. The other options (B, C, and D) do not accurately define relevance.

Which of the following describes a claim?(1 point)


A. a statement that presents the speaker’s position or opinion
B. a statement that everyone in the audience will agree with
C. a statement that will grab the audience's attention
D. a statement that connects evidence to a reason

The correct answer is A. A claim is a statement that presents the speaker's position or opinion. It is an assertion or proposition that is put forward and is typically supported by evidence and reasoning.