Which of the following is an effect of Portugal developing the caravel?(1 point)


The trade of enslaved Africans decreased.

Portugal took control of the Silk Road.

The Roman Catholic Church eradicated Islam from the Iberian peninsula.

Portugal became Europe’s first maritime empire

Portugal became Europe’s first maritime empire

The correct answer is: Portugal became Europe's first maritime empire.

The correct answer is: Portugal became Europe’s first maritime empire.

To determine the effect of Portugal developing the caravel, you need to understand what the caravel was and its impact on Portuguese exploration. The caravel was a small, fast, and maneuverable ship developed by the Portuguese during the Age of Discovery in the 15th century. It featured a triangular lateen sail, which allowed it to sail against the wind, and improvements in navigation instruments.

With the development of the caravel, Portugal had a significant advantage in maritime exploration and trade. This led to Portugal becoming Europe's first maritime empire. Portuguese sailors used the caravel to embark on long-distance voyages, exploring new routes and discovering new territories. They established trading posts and colonies along the coasts of Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

As a result, Portugal gained control over strategic trade routes and developed a vast overseas empire, which greatly expanded its economic and political influence. Portugal's maritime empire brought significant wealth through the control of trade in spices, gold, slaves, and other valuable resources.

Therefore, the effect of Portugal developing the caravel was that it enabled Portugal to become Europe's first maritime empire.