What is 12815 − 7 + 715 + 15? Simplify your answer.(1 point)


41 Start Fraction 15 over 15 End Fraction
20 Start Fraction 15 over 15 End Fraction

The simplified answer is 12838.

as a fraction

The fraction form of the simplified answer is 12838/1.

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To simplify the expression 12815 − 7 + 715 + 15, step-by-step:

1. Start by subtracting 7 from 12815: 12815 - 7 = 12808.
2. Next, add 715 to the result: 12808 + 715 = 13523.
3. Finally, add 15 to get the final answer: 13523 + 15 = 13538.

Therefore, the simplified answer is 13538.

To simplify the expression 12815 - 7 + 715 + 15, you need to follow the order of operations which is commonly known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, and Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

First, subtract -7 from 12815: 12815 - 7 = 12808.

Next, add 715 to 12808: 12808 + 715 = 13523.

Finally, add 15 to 13523: 13523 + 15 = 13538.

Therefore, the simplified answer is 13538.