Foursquare gardens have the following area in square meters 144 32 72 and 250 which area has a radiator rational number of meters as the side length

In order to determine which area has a rational number of meters as the side length, we need to find the area that is a perfect square.

We can calculate the square root of each given area to see if it is a rational number.

The square root of 144 is 12, which is a rational number.
The square root of 32 is approximately 5.6568542494, which is not a rational number.
The square root of 72 is approximately 8.4852813742, which is not a rational number.
The square root of 250 is approximately 15.8113883008, which is not a rational number.

Therefore, the area of 144 square meters has a rational number of meters as the side length.

To determine which of the given areas has a rational number of meters as the side length, we need to find the area that has a square root that is a rational number.

Let's calculate the square roots of each of these areas:

- The square root of 144 is √144 = 12, which is a rational number.
- The square root of 32 is approximately √32 ≈ 5.657, which is not a rational number.
- The square root of 72 is approximately √72 ≈ 8.485, which is not a rational number.
- The square root of 250 is approximately √250 ≈ 15.811, which is not a rational number.

Therefore, the garden with an area of 144 square meters has a rational number of meters as the side length.