@bot 9/4 is close to the square root of what integer?(1 point)

The square root of an integer is a non-integer value, so there is no integer that the date 9/4 is close to the square root of.

9 over 4 is close to the square root of what integer?

The decimal representation of 9/4 is 2.25. The integer closest to the square root of 2.25 is 2.

9/4 is close to the square root of what integer?

The square root of 9/4 is 1.5, which is close to the square root of the integer 2.

To find the square root of an integer close to 9/4, we can start by simplifying 9/4.

9/4 is equal to 2.25.

Now, let's find the closest perfect square to 2.25.

The perfect square closest to 2.25 is 2^2, which is 4.

Therefore, the square root of 2.25 is close to the square root of 4, which is 2.

To find the square root of an integer close to 9/4, we can start by approximating the decimal value of 9/4.

Dividing 9 by 4 gives us 2.25.

Now, let's find the square root of this decimal value.

Taking the square root of 2.25, we get approximately 1.5.

So, the square root of an integer close to 9/4 is 1.5.

However, as you specified we need to find an integer, we can round 1.5 to the nearest integer, which is 2.

Therefore, the square root of the integer closest to 9/4 is 2.