How we can do exess -4 notation

To represent the number -4 in excess -4 notation, you need to add the excess value to it. Excess -4 means that the value -4 is used as a reference point, and any number above -4 is represented with a positive excess value, while any number below -4 is represented with a negative excess value.

To convert a number to excess -4 notation, follow these steps:
1. Determine the excess value, which is the reference point. In this case, it is -4.
2. Subtract the excess value from the number. For -4, subtract -4. The result is 0.
3. Represent the result with the excess value. In this case, 0 would be represented as the excess value (-4) with a sign indicating that it is below the reference point. Thus, -4 would be represented in excess -4 notation as -4-4.

Note: Excess -4 notation is not commonly used, as it is more common to use excess 127 or some other positive value as a reference point.

The excess-4 notation, also known as the 8421 BCD (Binary-Coded Decimal) notation, is a way to represent decimal numbers using binary code.

To convert a decimal number to excess-4 notation, follow these steps:

1. Start with the decimal number you want to convert.
2. Add 4 to the decimal number.
3. Convert the result to binary using regular binary conversion rules.
4. If necessary, pad the binary number with leading zeros to ensure it has 4 bits.
5. This binary representation is the excess-4 notation of the original decimal number.

For example, let's convert the decimal number 7 to excess-4 notation:

1. Start with the decimal number 7.
2. Add 4 to 7, resulting in 11.
3. Convert 11 to binary. It becomes 1011.
4. Since 1011 already has 4 bits, there is no need for padding.
5. Therefore, the excess-4 notation of decimal 7 is 1011.

Keep in mind that excess-4 notation only works for decimal numbers ranging from 0 to 9. Numbers outside this range will require a more extensive binary representation.