By examining the screenshot below, select the option that best indicates how to work out the average. Once you have worked out the average, also indicate whether the student achieved a distinction (>75%) or not.

=AVERAGE(B2:B6); the student did not get a distinction. 

=SUM(B2:B6/5); the student did get a distinction. 

=MEAN(B2:B6); the student did not get a distinction. 

=AVERAGE(B2-B6); the student did pass and get a distinction. 

1 points

The option that best indicates how to work out the average is "=AVERAGE(B2:B6)". After calculating the average using this formula, the student did not receive a distinction.

The correct option is: =AVERAGE(B2:B6); the student did not get a distinction.

To work out the average, you need to use the AVERAGE function in Excel. In this case, you would select the range of scores from cells B2 to B6, and then use the AVERAGE function to calculate the average of those scores.

The option =SUM(B2:B6/5) is incorrect because it incorrectly calculates the average by dividing the sum of the scores by 5.

The option =MEAN(B2:B6) is correct as it is another way to calculate the average.

The option =AVERAGE(B2-B6) is incorrect because it uses the subtraction operator instead of the range operator, and will result in an error.