Which library has more volumes, Baton Rouge or El Paso? What number sentence shows the comparison?

(1 point)

Baton Rouge; 1,232,185<1,277,003
Baton Rouge; 1,232,185 < 1,277,003

El Paso; 1,232,185>1,277,003
El Paso; 1,232,185 > 1,277,003

Baton Rouge; 1,232,185>1,277,003
Baton Rouge; 1,232,185 > 1,277,003

El Paso; 1,232,185<1,277,003

The correct answer is:

Baton Rouge; 1,232,185 < 1,277,003.

The library that has more volumes is El Paso. The number sentence that shows the comparison is El Paso; 1,232,185 < 1,277,003.