Using rational approximations, what statement is true?(1 point)


71 −−−√<61−−√
start root 71 end root less than start root 61 end root

start root 71 end root greater than start root 61 end root

start root 81 end root less than 9


start root 81 end root greater than 9

Using rational approximations, what statement is true?(1 point)


12 −−−√ >π
start root 12 end root greater than pi

start root 16 end root greater than 4

16 −−−√<4
start root 16 end root less than 4

12 −−−√<π

start root 12 end root is less than pi

who needs you

its start root 70 is greater than 61


To determine which statement is true using rational approximations, we need to approximate the square roots involved.

Let's start by approximating √71. We can find rational approximations by looking for perfect squares that are close to 71. The perfect square closest to 71 is 64 (8^2), and the perfect square larger than 71 is 81 (9^2). So, we can approximate √71 as a number between 8 and 9.

Next, let's approximate √61. The perfect square closest to 61 is 49 (7^2), and the perfect square larger than 61 is 64 (8^2). So, we can approximate √61 as a number between 7 and 8.

Comparing the two approximations, √71 is larger than √61 because 8 is greater than 7. Therefore, the first statement (71−−√<61−−√) is not true.

Now, let's evaluate the second statement (71−−√>61−−√). Since we have already established that √71 is larger than √61, we can conclude that the second statement is true.

The last two statements involve square roots being compared to a perfect square. Let's evaluate them:

√81 is equal to 9, and we can clearly see that 9 is not less than 9. Therefore, the third statement (81−−√<9) is not true.

Similarly, √81 is equal to 9, and we can clearly see that 9 is not greater than 9. Therefore, the fourth statement (81−−√>9) is not true.

To summarize, the second statement (71−−√>61−−√) is the only true statement among the given options.