Divide 62.72 by 9.8.

The result of dividing 62.72 by 9.8 is 6.4.

To divide 62.72 by 9.8, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the division problem:
62.72 ÷ 9.8

Step 2: Divide the first digit of the dividend (62.72) by the divisor (9.8). The first digit is 6.

6 ÷ 9.8 = 0.612244898

Step 3: Write down the result you obtained (0.612244898) above the dividend.

Step 4: Multiply the divisor (9.8) by your result (0.612244898).

9.8 × 0.612244898 = 6.000000004

Step 5: Subtract the product (6.000000004) from the first digit of the dividend (6).

6 - 6.000000004 = -0.000000004

Step 6: Write down the remainder (-0.000000004) next to the result (0.612244898).

Step 7: Bring the next digit of the dividend down (2), and divide it by the divisor (9.8).

2 ÷ 9.8 = 0.204081633

Step 8: Write down the result (0.204081633) below the division line.

Step 9: Multiply the divisor (9.8) by the result (0.204081633).

9.8 × 0.204081633 = 2.000000004

Step 10: Subtract the product (2.000000004) from the next digit of the dividend (-2).

-2 - 2.000000004 = -4.000000004

Step 11: Write down the remainder (-4.000000004) next to the result (0.612244898).

Step 12: Bring the next digit of the dividend down (7), and divide it by the divisor (9.8).

7 ÷ 9.8 = 0.714285714

Step 13: Write down the result (0.714285714) below the division line.

Step 14: Multiply the divisor (9.8) by the result (0.714285714).

9.8 × 0.714285714 = 7.000000002

Step 15: Subtract the product (7.000000002) from the next digit of the dividend (-7).

-7 - 7.000000002 = -14.000000002

Step 16: Write down the remainder (-14.000000002) next to the result (0.612244898).

Step 17: Continue bringing down the next digit of the dividend (2), and repeat steps 6-16 until all digits have been brought down and the remainder is 0.

Step 18: The final result is the whole part of the division problem followed by the decimal part obtained from the remainders.

Therefore, 62.72 ÷ 9.8 = 6.4 (rounded to 1 decimal place)