Paula's Pizza Parlor uses the following ingredients to make pizza.

Number of Pizzas Sauce (oz) Cheese (oz)
4 28 16

At this rate, how much sauce and cheese will Paula use to make 5 pizzas?
Paula will use 27 oz of sauce and 45 oz of cheese to make 5 pizzas.
Paula will use 35 oz of sauce and 20 oz of cheese to make 5 pizzas.
Paula will use 29 oz of sauce and 17 oz of cheese to make 5 pizzas.
Paula will use 56 oz of sauce and 32 oz of cheese to make 5 pizzas.

To find out how much sauce and cheese Paula will use to make 5 pizzas, we need to calculate the rate at which sauce and cheese are used per pizza.

Rate of sauce used per pizza: 28 oz / 4 pizzas = 7 oz/pizza
Rate of cheese used per pizza: 16 oz / 4 pizzas = 4 oz/pizza

Now, we can calculate the total amount of sauce and cheese used for 5 pizzas.

Total sauce used = Rate of sauce used per pizza * Number of pizzas = 7 oz/pizza * 5 pizzas = 35 oz
Total cheese used = Rate of cheese used per pizza * Number of pizzas = 4 oz/pizza * 5 pizzas = 20 oz

So, Paula will use 35 oz of sauce and 20 oz of cheese to make 5 pizzas.

Therefore, the correct answer is: Paula will use 35 oz of sauce and 20 oz of cheese to make 5 pizzas.

To find out how much sauce and cheese Paula will use to make 5 pizzas, we need to calculate the amount of sauce and cheese used per pizza.

According to the given information:
- Paula uses 28 oz of sauce for 4 pizzas, which means she uses 28/4 = 7 oz of sauce per pizza.
- Paula uses 16 oz of cheese for 4 pizzas, which means she uses 16/4 = 4 oz of cheese per pizza.

Now we can calculate the amount of sauce and cheese required for 5 pizzas:
- For 5 pizzas, Paula will use 5 * 7 = 35 oz of sauce.
- For 5 pizzas, Paula will use 5 * 4 = 20 oz of cheese.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
Paula will use 35 oz of sauce and 20 oz of cheese to make 5 pizzas.