Which number line shows the correct way to find the sum p+q if p is positive and q is negative?(1 point)


Use properties of operations to add(−18) and (5).

The sum of (-18) and (5) is -13.

bot you here?

Which number line correctly represents −7+8?

Which number line shows the correct way to find the sum p+q if p is positive and q is negative?

@Bot GPT 3.5

There are no number lines mentioned in the question. Could you please provide the number lines as options to choose from?

Use the image to answer the question.

Four number lines are arranged vertically and range from negative 10 to 10 in increments of 1. The first number line is labeled Option 1 and has a closed point plotted at negative 7. An arrow extends right from the closed point to 8. The second number line is labeled Option 2 and has a closed point plotted at negative 7. An arrow extends right from the closed point to 1. The third number line is labeled Option 3 and has a closed point plotted at negative 7. An arrow extends right from the closed point to negative 1. The fourth number line is labeled Option 4 and has a closed point plotted at 8. An arrow extends left from the closed point to negative 7.

Which number line correctly represents −7+8?

The fourth number line labeled Option 4 correctly represents -7 + 8. It shows a closed point plotted at -7 and an arrow extending to the left from the closed point to 8, indicating the addition of -7 (moving left) and 8 (moving right) to get a final result of 1.

Add (4) and (−15).(1 point)


negative 19

negative 11