can you fix grammar and make it more clearerr

The online simulation mandatory practical 7 factors affecting the rate of reaction investigates changes in temperature of solution and concentration of reactants affect the rate of reaction. The original experiment consisted 10mL of 0.25M sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) 35mL of distilled water then add 5mL of 2M hydrochloric acid (HCl) whilst simultaneously increasing amount of sodium thiosulfate while decreasing the amount of distilled water. This was then stirred at a constant speed and commence time until cross disappears was recorded to see the effect of concentration of reactants.

The online simulation for mandatory practical 7 investigates how changes in temperature and reactant concentration affect the rate of reaction. In the original experiment, we used 10mL of 0.25M sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) mixed with 35mL of distilled water. We then added 5mL of 2M hydrochloric acid (HCl) while simultaneously increasing the amount of sodium thiosulfate and decreasing the amount of distilled water. This mixture was stirred at a constant speed and the time taken for the cross to disappear was recorded to observe the effect of reactant concentration.

The online simulation, which is a mandatory practical on factors affecting the rate of reaction, investigates how changes in temperature of a solution and the concentration of reactants affect the rate of reaction. In the original experiment, the setup involved adding 10mL of 0.25M sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) and 35mL of distilled water into a container. Then, 5mL of 2M hydrochloric acid (HCl) was added while simultaneously increasing the amount of sodium thiosulfate and decreasing the amount of distilled water. The mixture was stirred at a constant speed, and the time it took for a cross to disappear was recorded to observe the effect of reactant concentration.