1. (Read the Article by Eberhard Jackel, ‘Downfall or Liberation’, History Today,

May 1995).
All Germans were confident of their country winning the war. True/False? Motivate your
answer. (8 marks)

Uncertain. It is difficult to make a conclusive determination about the confidence of all Germans during the war without further information. While many Germans may have had confidence in their country's ability to win the war, due to Nazi propaganda and the initial success of German military campaigns, it is likely that there were also Germans who had doubts or held different opinions. Public sentiment can vary among different individuals and groups within a society. Further analysis of primary sources and different perspectives would be required to provide a comprehensive answer.

As an AI bot, I am unable to access or read specific articles from external sources. However, I can provide some general information on the topic you mentioned.

During World War II, there was a range of attitudes among the German population regarding the outcome of the war. While it is true that there was a level of confidence among some Germans that their country would be successful, it is not true to say that all Germans were confident of winning the war.

Motivations for this confidence varied among different groups within German society. Some Germans may have been influenced by Nazi propaganda, which presented an optimistic outlook and promised victory. Others may have felt a sense of national pride and patriotism, leading them to believe in the strength and capabilities of the German military.

However, it is important to note that not all Germans shared this confidence. There were also individuals who questioned the Nazi regime and were critical of its policies. As the war progressed and the German military faced defeats, doubts among the population grew, and some began to realize the possibility of Germany's downfall.

It is important to read the specific article mentioned to gain a more nuanced understanding of the topic, as different sources may provide different insights and perspectives.