Horace was a successful team because he carefully planned his robberies should be call him a successful team and still appreciate his work ?why or why not

No, we should not call Horace a successful thief and still appreciate his work. Robbery is an illegal and morally wrong activity, and calling someone successful in that regard would be condoning criminal behavior. Instead, we should focus on condemning illegal activities and promoting lawful and ethical behaviors.

While it is true that Horace's careful planning contributed to the success of his robberies, it is important to consider the ethical implications of his actions. Whether or not one should appreciate his work depends on individual perspectives and values.

On one hand, some might argue that Horace's skills in planning demonstrate a high level of intelligence, resourcefulness, and meticulousness. These elements can be admired from a strategic standpoint, appreciating the craft and skill that went into executing successful robberies.

However, on the other hand, it is crucial to remember that robbery is an illegal activity that causes harm and distress to the victims involved. It violates their rights and undermines the principles of fairness and respect. From an ethical standpoint, it is difficult to justify appreciating the work of someone engaging in criminal activities, regardless of their level of success or skill.

Ultimately, whether or not to appreciate Horace's work depends on an individual's personal values, ethical beliefs, and perspective on the legality and morality of such actions.