Under what circumstances did John Locke think it would be acceptable for the people to overthrow the government?

It is never acceptable, as overthrowing the government would be a violation of the social contract.
If the people were to break the social contract and seek a different type of rule, the people could overthrow the government.
If the government violated the social contract, the people could overthrow the government.
If the government failed to accept new natural rights, the people could overthrow the government.
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John Locke believed that the people have the right to overthrow the government under specific circumstances, primarily when the government violated the social contract. According to Locke, the purpose of government is to protect people's natural rights, such as life, liberty, and property. If the government failed to perform this duty and instead infringed upon these rights, the people had the right to resist and replace the government.

According to John Locke, there are certain circumstances under which he believed it would be acceptable for the people to overthrow the government. These circumstances are as follows:

1. If the government violates the social contract: Locke believed that the government exists to protect the natural rights of its citizens, including life, liberty, and property. If the government fails to fulfill its duty and violates these rights, the people have the right to overthrow the government.

2. If the people seek a different type of rule: Locke argued that the consent of the governed is crucial in any government. If the people no longer consent to the rule of the existing government and desire a different type of rule, they have the right to overthrow the government in pursuit of their own self-governance.

It is important to note that Locke did not support violent revolutions, but rather peaceful and orderly transitions of power. He believed that the people should always aim to preserve the social contract and seek remedies within the system before resorting to overthrowing the government.