Likely BECE science questions are

1. What is the difference between a solid, liquid, and gas?

2. Explain the process of photosynthesis and its importance in plants.
3. What is the structure and function of the heart?
4. Describe the concept of gravity and its effects on objects.
5. Explain the importance of conservation and the impact of human activities on the environment.
6. What are the different types of energy and how are they transformed?
7. Describe the process of digestion in humans and its role in obtaining nutrients.
8. What are the major organs of the human respiratory system and how do they function?
9. Explain the concept of forces and their effects on objects.
10. What are the various stages of the water cycle and how do they contribute to weather patterns?

Here are a few examples of likely BECE Science questions:

1. What is the function of the mitochondria in a cell?

Step 1: The mitochondria is known as the powerhouse of the cell.
Step 2: It produces energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through a process called cellular respiration.
Step 3: This energy is used by the cell to perform various functions.

2. Describe the differences between a plant cell and an animal cell.

Step 1: Plant cells have a cell wall, while animal cells do not.
Step 2: Plant cells also have chloroplasts, which are responsible for photosynthesis, while animal cells do not.
Step 3: Animal cells typically have smaller vacuoles compared to plant cells, which often have one large central vacuole.

3. Explain the process of photosynthesis.

Step 1: Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy.
Step 2: Chlorophyll, located in the chloroplasts of plant cells, captures sunlight.
Step 3: This energy is used to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen through a series of chemical reactions.

4. Discuss the differences between chemical and physical changes.

Step 1: A physical change refers to a change in appearance, state, or form of a substance, without changing its composition.
Step 2: For example, melting an ice cube or tearing a piece of paper are physical changes.
Step 3: On the other hand, a chemical change results in the formation of new substances with different properties.
Step 4: Examples of chemical changes include rusting of iron or burning of wood.

5. Describe the structure and function of the human respiratory system.

Step 1: The human respiratory system consists of organs such as the nose, trachea, bronchi, and lungs.
Step 2: The function of the respiratory system is to bring in oxygen from the air and remove carbon dioxide from the body.
Step 3: When we breathe in, oxygen enters the body and is transported to the lungs, where it enters the bloodstream.
Step 4: Carbon dioxide, a waste product, is expelled from the body when we breathe out.