It is forbidden for descriptions in the laboratory notebook to contain personal shorthand only familiar to the researcher because

it hinders collaboration and transparency among team members. Personal shorthand may not be easily understandable by others, especially new team members or colleagues who need to refer to the notebook for information or replicate experiments.

Using personal shorthand also poses a risk of miscommunication and misunderstanding. Different researchers may have their own individual abbreviations or acronyms, which can lead to confusion or mistakes in data interpretation or subsequent experiments. This can result in wasted time, resources, and potential setbacks in research.

In addition, laboratory notebooks serve as a legal and scientific record of experiments and findings. Therefore, they need to be clear, concise, and accessible to others in order to uphold scientific integrity and facilitate reproducibility.

To ensure effective communication, collaboration, and transparency, it is vital to use clear and widely understood language in laboratory notebook descriptions. This means avoiding personal shorthand and instead using standard terms, proper scientific nomenclature, and providing sufficient context to facilitate comprehension by all team members.

it can lead to a lack of clarity and comprehensibility for other researchers and collaborators. Laboratory notebooks are important records of experimental procedures, observations, and results. They serve as a crucial source of information for reproducibility, scientific communication, and sharing knowledge within the scientific community.

Using personal shorthand that only the researcher can understand makes it difficult for others to follow and interpret the information documented in the notebook. This can hinder collaboration, as other researchers may struggle to replicate or build upon the work without a clear understanding of the methods and data recorded.

Furthermore, laboratory notebooks are often used as legal documents in patent applications or scientific publications. It is important to have detailed, unambiguous, and understandable descriptions that can withstand scrutiny and ensure the reliability and integrity of the research. By using personal shorthand, the researcher risks compromising the reliability and trustworthiness of the recorded information.

To maintain clarity and comprehensibility, it is advisable to use standardized language, concepts, and abbreviations that are widely understood within the scientific community. Additionally, providing proper explanations and annotations can help ensure that the notebook entries are accessible to others and can be accurately interpreted and reproduced.