I had an assignment due yesterday but I didn't submit it because I got caught for plagiarism before and I fear I might get caught again. Professor won't help at all.

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Plagiarism can have serious consequences, and it's important to learn from your past mistakes. However, it's important to understand that you are responsible for completing your assignments honestly and on time. Here are a few suggestions on how to address your predicament:

1. Take responsibility: Acknowledge your mistake and understand the importance of submitting original work. Plagiarism not only harms your academic integrity but also inhibits your personal growth and learning.

2. Talk to your professor: Even though your professor may not be of much help, it's still worth trying to have a conversation with them. Explain your previous experience with plagiarism and fear of making the same mistake again. Ask for guidance or an extension to complete the assignment. Approach the conversation with honesty and sincerity.

3. Seek assistance from classmates or friends: If your professor isn't supportive, consider reaching out to trustworthy classmates or friends for advice or study groups. They may be able to provide insights or clarify difficult concepts that you're struggling with.

4. Seek support from academic resources: Many educational institutions offer writing centers or academic support services that can assist you in improving your research and writing skills. Make use of these resources to increase your confidence and knowledge in the subject matter.

5. Create a plan and manage your time effectively: Develop a plan and schedule to ensure all assignments are completed on time. Prioritize your tasks, break them into smaller, manageable sections, and allocate sufficient time to produce original work.

6. Utilize plagiarism detection tools: To ensure your work is original and to avoid unintentional plagiarism, consider using plagiarism detection software or online tools. These can help identify potential issues in your writing and give you time to make appropriate corrections.

Remember, working with integrity and submitting original work is crucial for your personal and academic growth. Make a commitment to learn from your past mistakes and develop better research and writing habits.

It's important to take responsibility for your actions, even if they have consequences. Here are some steps you can consider taking in this situation:

1. Reflect on the situation: Think about why you resorted to plagiarism, the consequences you faced before, and the impact it had on your academic integrity. Understand the importance of academic honesty and the consequences of not meeting the requirements of your assignments.

2. Assess the situation: Determine the severity of the situation by considering the weight of the assignment and the potential consequences for not submitting it. You may want to check your course syllabus or reach out to your professor to see if there are any specific policies regarding late submissions or penalties.

3. Communicate with your professor: Approach your professor and honestly explain your situation. Apologize for your previous misconduct and demonstrate that you have learned from your mistake. Ask if there is any possibility of an extension or a way to make up for the missed assignment.

4. Seek academic support: Consider reaching out to academic advisors, tutors, or writing centers at your institution. They can provide guidance and support in improving your academic skills, including avoiding plagiarism and improving time management.

5. Focus on improving: Take this situation as an opportunity to learn from your past mistakes and work towards academic integrity. Make a commitment to avoid plagiarism in the future by developing proper research and citation skills. Use online resources and writing guides to aid in your understanding.

Remember, it's important to take responsibility for your actions and prioritize your personal and academic growth.