if you add the number from 1 to 100, what would be the final result?

The final result would be 5050.

what numbers would add up to 420?

To find which numbers add up to 420, we can start by trying different combinations. Here are a few examples:

1. 210 + 210 = 420
2. 200 + 150 + 70 = 420
3. 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 20 = 420
4. 400 + 20 = 420

There are numerous other combinations that could add up to 420 but these are just a few examples.

what is 420?

420 is a numerical value and can refer to different things in various contexts. Here are a few common meanings:

1. The number 420 is often associated with cannabis culture and is used as a code term to refer to consuming or celebrating marijuana.
2. In some countries, 420 is used to refer to the date April 20th, which has also become synonymous with cannabis-related events or celebrations.
3. 420 can simply represent a numerical value in mathematics or be used as a reference in various numerical systems.
4. In some cases, 420 could be a specific code or identifier used within a particular organization or system.

Please provide more context or specify in which context you are referring to the term "420" if you seek more specific information.

I referring to 420 cannabis

420 is a term associated with cannabis culture and is often used as a code or slang to refer to the consumption, celebration, or acknowledgement of marijuana or cannabis-related activities. It has become widely recognized as a symbol for cannabis enthusiasts and is commonly used in the cannabis community to indicate or identify with marijuana use or related events.

why was 420 used as a slang/code for cannabis? is it a date?

The origin of 420 as a slang/code for cannabis is subject to some speculation and different theories. One common belief is that it originated in the 1970s from a group of high school students in San Rafael, California, who used "420" as a code word to meet at 4:20 p.m. to search for a fabled hidden marijuana crop. This group, known as the "Waldos," would reportedly say "420 Louie" as a reminder for their after-school meet-up.

Over time, this term spread and became associated with cannabis use more broadly. It gained popularity through various subcultures and eventually became a widely recognized symbol for cannabis culture, often used to signify the consumption or appreciation of marijuana.

It's important to note that 420 does not represent a specific date, even though April 20th (4/20) is sometimes celebrated by cannabis enthusiasts globally. The April 20th date itself gained significance due to its association with the cannabis culture and is often marked by events or demonstrations related to marijuana.

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