True or false. Tom is late for class 50 times this semester. Therefore the probability he is late is 55%. This is an example of subjective probability.

False. The statement does not provide enough information to calculate the probability that Tom is late for class. Additionally, subjective probability refers to probabilities that are based on personal judgments or beliefs, rather than objective data or calculations.

The statement "Tom is late for class 50 times this semester, therefore the probability he is late is 55%" is false. The probability of Tom being late cannot be determined solely based on the number of times he was late in the past.

Subjective probability refers to a personal degree of belief or an individual's subjective judgment about the likelihood of an event occurring. It is based on personal opinions, experience, or perception rather than objective data. In the given statement, there is no mention of subjective judgment, so it does not qualify as an example of subjective probability.