Do research based on the contemporary Papua New Guinea society's, many youths are involving in deviant activities that are violating the society's upheld norms and laws. The consequences have drastically impacted us as an individual, family and society as a whole. Provide details explanation in an essay form with examples.

1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusions
4. Recommendations
5. References

1. Introduction

Papua New Guinea, a country in the Pacific region, faces a significant social issue involving the involvement of many youths in deviant activities that violate society's norms and laws. This essay aims to explore the consequences of such behavior on individuals, families, and society as a whole. By examining specific examples, this essay will shed light on the severity of the issue and provide recommendations for addressing it.

2. Body

2.1 Impact on Individuals
When young people involve themselves in deviant activities, it has detrimental effects on their lives. Engaging in criminal behavior such as theft, drug abuse, or gang activities can lead to legal consequences, affecting their educational opportunities and future career prospects. Moreover, such activities can hinder personal growth and development, contributing to a negative self-image and low self-esteem. The pressure to conform to societal expectations, coupled with limited access to resources and opportunities, often pushes youths towards deviance as a means of survival or self-expression.

For example, in urban areas of Papua New Guinea, the rise in drug abuse among young people has aggravated social problems. Substance abuse not only damages physical and mental health but also lead to increased crime rates, contributing to a vicious cycle of violence and poverty.

2.2 Impact on Families
The involvement of youths in deviant activities also has severe consequences for their families. Families bear the burden of supporting these individuals emotionally, financially, and, at times, legally. The strain on families to provide bail money, legal counsel, or support during imprisonment often pushes them into a state of perpetual poverty. The breakdown of family structures due to the involvement of youths in deviant activities can lead to a variety of negative outcomes, such as child neglect, domestic violence, and increased divorce rates.

For instance, the case of a young individual involved in gang activities not only affects their own life but also places immense pressure on their parents and siblings. The constant fear of losing their child to violence or imprisonment causes immense distress and trauma within the family unit, resulting in strained relationships.

2.3 Impact on Society
The consequences of youth involvement in deviant activities extend beyond the individual and family level, significantly impacting society as a whole. The increase in crime rates leads to feelings of insecurity and fear among the general public, affecting community cohesion and trust. This hampers social development and economic progress, as investment and tourism are deterred. Moreover, the strain on law enforcement agencies and the justice system to handle the rising number of criminal cases often results in limited resources for tackling other pressing social issues.

One notable example is the increase in tribal conflicts fueled by the involvement of youth in violent activities. These conflicts not only claim lives but also disrupt the daily lives of entire communities, hindering progress and perpetuating a cycle of violence and unrest.

3. Conclusions

The involvement of many Papua New Guinea youths in deviant activities has far-reaching consequences on individuals, families, and society as a whole. The negative impact is evident in the compromised personal development, strained family dynamics, and the disruption of social order. Addressing this issue requires comprehensive strategies that promote education, vocational training, and access to resources. Additionally, efforts must be made to strengthen community support systems, foster positive role models, and enhance law enforcement capabilities.

4. Recommendations

To address the issue of youth involvement in deviant activities, the following recommendations are proposed:

1. Strengthen educational systems: Enhance educational opportunities, particularly in rural areas, to provide alternatives and encourage positive growth.
2. Community engagement: Foster community programs that promote positive role models and offer mentoring and counseling services for at-risk youths.
3. Rehabilitation programs: Establish comprehensive rehabilitation programs focusing on drug abuse and anger management to aid in the reintegration of deviant youth back into society.
4. Law enforcement collaboration: Strengthen collaboration between law enforcement agencies and community leaders to address deviant activities effectively and promote community safety.

5. References

References will depend on the specific sources used to support the information provided in the essay.

1. Introduction:

In contemporary Papua New Guinea (PNG) society, there is a growing concern about the involvement of many youths in deviant activities that violate the upheld norms and laws. These deviant behaviors have had drastic consequences on individuals, families, and society as a whole. This essay aims to explore and provide a detailed explanation of the impact of youth involvement in deviant activities in PNG, along with relevant examples.

2. Body:
2.1 The Impact on Individuals:
The involvement of youths in deviant activities has profound consequences on the individuals themselves. Engaging in criminal behaviors such as theft, drug abuse, and violence can lead to physical harm, damage to mental well-being, and legal repercussions. For instance, a young person involved in drug abuse may suffer from addiction, which can negatively affect their physical health and cognitive abilities. Moreover, being caught and prosecuted for criminal activities can have long-term consequences on their education, employment prospects, and overall life opportunities.

2.2 The Impact on Families:
The consequences of youth involvement in deviant activities extend beyond the individual, affecting families as well. When a young person engages in deviant behaviors, it often causes significant distress and anxiety for their immediate family members. This can result in strained relationships, breakdowns in communication, and a sense of shame within the family unit. Furthermore, families may have to bear the financial burden of legal fees, rehabilitation, or medical expenses arising from the consequences of deviant activities.

For example, if a youth is involved in theft, their family may be required to provide legal representation or pay restitution for the stolen property. Such financial burdens can lead to further tensions within the family and negatively impact their overall well-being.

2.3 The Impact on Society:
Youth involvement in deviant activities also has severe consequences for society as a whole. These activities erode the social fabric by undermining trust, creating fear, and damaging social cohesion. The prevalence of deviant behaviors can lead to an increase in crime rates and a deterioration of public safety, affecting the overall quality of life within communities.

The impact on society can be seen in various sectors, such as education and economy. Deviant behaviors often result in school dropout rates, reducing the potential for a skilled workforce. Additionally, the community's loss of trust due to deviant activities can deter investment and economic growth, affecting the overall development and prosperity of the nation.

3. Conclusions:
The involvement of many youths in deviant activities in contemporary Papua New Guinea society has grave consequences at the individual, family, and societal levels. It leads to physical and psychological harm for the individuals involved, strains family relationships, and undermines social cohesion within communities. Furthermore, it has tangible economic implications and hinders the nation's overall progress.

4. Recommendations:
To address this issue, it is crucial to implement comprehensive strategies that cater to prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation. Some key recommendations include:

a) Empowering youths through education and skill development programs, focusing on alternative pathways for success and personal growth.
b) Establishing community-based initiatives, such as mentorship programs, sports clubs, and cultural activities, to engage young people positively and provide them with a sense of belonging.
c) Strengthening the law enforcement system to ensure a swift and fair justice system, deterring deviant activities and promoting the rule of law.
d) Enhancing access to affordable and quality mental health services as part of the overall rehabilitation efforts.

5. References:
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